

key1.gif (5905 bytes) DESCRIPTION:
Statics-On-Line (SOL) is a new multimedia software tool for the enhancement of undergraduate engineering courses (Statics and Dynamics) via the use of computers in classroom.

computer.gif (7199 bytes) AIM:
The goal of this proposed project is to initiate the development of interactive multimedia software to serve as an instructional/tutorial package for Statics, a class taken by nearly all engineering students. The software developed will be designed to facilitate teaching and student learning of Statics.

students.gif (7522 bytes) ADVANTAGES:

The faculty's reputation as a provider of leaders in the Engineering profession relies on the fact that we attract good high school leavers (either from Australia or overseas) and also that we educate them to a high standard. Hence, by providing a better experience to our undergraduates, particularly in first year, we will be able to attract more students. Our IT-based innovation system is a self-directed learning program, which will improve the first-year undergraduate experience.
This project will further the vision of technology as a powerful tool for teaching and learning and provide alternatives to traditional instructional practices.
The programs developed will incorporate interactive elements, including tasks to aid in physical understanding of mechanics concepts, and problem-solving skills. We will include as much interaction as possible so that we can build confidence, and give real-time formative feedback.
Students who need more help can benefit from this system and good students could solve problems faster at their own pace, allowing students to tailor their learning to their own needs.
Students from different disciplines (eg. Aeronautical, Biomedical, Mechatronic, etc) will be provided with examples addressing fundamental problems relevant to their discipline, allowing them to better identify with their chosen field of study, in line with faculty teaching and learning plan.
This IT-based system is designed in such a way that it will be easily extended for other course modules in the school or other disciplines (eg. Civil Eng, Chem Eng, etc).
The project outcomes will be evaluated by monitoring the students learning and also by getting the feedback from students at the end of testing period. The software will be updated and improved after these assessments.

key2.gif (7164 bytes) ABOUT THE DEVELOPER:
Simin Nasseri obtained her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from school of AMME in 1997. She has been working as a Post-doctoral Fellow and Senior Research Associate since then. She has been involved in Statics, Dynamics I, II and Matlab courses and is familiar with the difficulties that students are facing in tutorial/lecturing classes. From 1999 to 2000, as an instructional designer, she took a role in converting traditional print-based education materials for courses on Project Management to a web-based environment (PMOUTREACH) in Civil Engineering Department, Sydney University.

She designed SOL as an advanced tool for teaching and learning, with the aim of providing an alternatives to traditional teaching methods. If you wish, you can send your comments or suggestion to the AMME IT support team.


�This site is copyrighted by AMME, the University of Sydney (2013). All rights reserved.

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Sydney University School of AMME